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Meet our International Team in Krakow

Labor in Norway can sometimes be difficult to obtain, especially in certain sectors. We have a shortage of carpenters, electricians, chefs, production workers and more. Today we find ourselves in a situation where we are depending on international labor. 

At Eterni, we have a good collaboration with employees from Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania and Latvia, among others. The last year we have also been recruiting candidates from Spain, Portugal and Romania.  

We have good experiences with our employees from abroad, and have therefore established a local office in Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia. The offices have skilled consultants that take care of and assist our employees in a good transition and employ them where needed. 


Problem solving and “people persons” 

One of these consultants is Aleksandra, who is the leader in our office in Krakow. We have had a chat with her, to hear about her work tasks and how she and the rest of the team in Poland work to help our employees and customers in the best possible way. 

She has worked at Edda Group and Eterni for 3 years.  

When asked what she likes most about her job she says it is the work with our customers and candidates. She appreciates the daily contact with her Norwegian colleagues, and she likes to find solutions and solve problems. 

She also says that all the consultants at the Poland office is “people persons”, that never looks at a client as a number, and that they really want to take care of their candidates. 


The employment process 

We wanted to learn more about the way our International team works on a daily basis. 

Aleksandra tells us that it starts with them receiving information about what our customers need. The information is given from the branches and cities in Norway, but also in Denmark. 

“When I know what type of qualifications Eterni and their clients need, then I need as much information about the customers as possible, including wages, accommodation etc”, Aleksandra says. 

“Then we choose which one of us recruiters who’s going to be responsible for this project”.  

“When we have all the information we need, we start making ads for working abroad. Sometimes our employees has friends or family that also wants to work in Norway, and that way we can recruit more people based on our reputation”, Aleksandra tells us.  

The person responsible for the jobs in Norway talks with the candidates, checks the needed documents, references etc. 

When everything is ready, we send it to the branches in Norway, who then presents it to the costumer. Together they decide if the candidate is suitable for the job. 


Takes care of the candidates 

We go through all the details with the candidate. If the candidates say yes, and want to work for Eterni in Norway, we help them with the travel.  

“The first couple of days we feel that it is important to follow up and check in to see how the first day and week has been for them, in a completely new country. Further, we want to check if the apartment is in good condition, if they have received their contract etc. We also help fix problems, if any”, Aleksandra tells us. 

“We call them weekly the first months, and also at the end of the year, to hear how they are feeling about the job, their workplace etc. We love to hear their feedback, to see if they are having a good time and also to see if there is anything we can do better”. 


How to find the right candidate 

It is important that Eterni has knowledge about where to find the right candidates. 

Aleksandra says they find a lot of their candidates in job portals, through our employees, through networking and also in some Facebook-groups 

It is really meaningful and nice to see that our employees contribute to us by finding new candidates, because they are happy at Eterni.   


How can Eterni help facilitate 

Aleksandra says she feels like their main job is to make sure that our international employees are feeling good and safe in their new job and in a new country.  

They also assist them in where to look for apartments, and some information about the city they are going to.  

“It is important for us in International Recruitment to have good communication with our employees, to see if they are happy in their workplace, satisfied with their salary etc”. 

Another thing is the facilitation. If some of our employees have a spare room in their flat, we can tell our new employee about the room available. Or we can guide them where to find apartments and other practical questions. 

Aleksandra also says that to earn the same money in Poland you have to work more hours, so you’ll have more spare time when working in Norway. Norway is known for its nature and you will have more time to spend when you are not at work. 


Always available 

Aleksandra is proud of the fact that she and her team always is available for our candidates and employees. “If I don’t pick up the phone, I’ll call back as soon as I’m free. I want to provide them with information step by step, not leaving them alone in a new country for the first time”.  

Aleksandra says that she and her team imagine being in their shoes, in a new country, with any questions. That is why they think it is so important to treat them with respect, be patient and try to provide all the information they can give.  


Quick recruitment process 

If a candidate sends a good and informative CV, we will talk to the client, within a maximum of one week. If the person already is living in Norway, it’ll just take a couple of days.  

The recruitment process is normally finished between one- to three weeks and they can start working in Norway. If you are new in Norway, we will help you with practical information, for example bank accounts etc. 

Norway needs skilled workers all the time. Our experience in recruitment from abroad means that we can help Eterni and companies in Norway with the much-needed workforce.