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0 of 0 Results are shown

Where should I log in?

At Eterni, we changed the operating system for our business line Office on 1 July. This means that there will be two different login systems, depending on which business line you belong to.

If you work within our business line Office, you must have a new profile and a new login in our system, Ena. If you work in production, storage and logistics, construction, industry and electrical or service, you must still log in via Webtemp.


Are you looking for a job or working within one of our business lines production, storage and logistics, construction, industry and electrical or service - click the button below to log in or register in our database. It does not matter which industry the job you are applying for is within, it is the position you are applying for that defines which portal you must use.

If you are looking for an office position in any of these industries, you must use Ena. If you work in production, construction or in a service profession, you must use Webtemp.

You can view our vacancies or create a user in webtemp, so that you are registered in our database if relevant positions appear for you. If you already have a user, you can log in to your user here.

Log in to Webtemp


If you work within our business line office, you must have a new profile and a new login for Ena. If you are looking for a job - or work in office, IT or finance, you must log in to your profile on Ena via the button. It does not matter which industry you work in, as long as the position is an office position. If you work in, for example, oil and gas, but are looking for an office position, you must use Ena.

You can also register your CV in Ena, to be contacted when we have a relevant position for you. In Ena you can also see our vacancies.

Remember that you must still use your profile in Webtemp for time registration up to and including 30 June. You do this via the button on the left.

Log in to Ena