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Ready for new opportunities in a safe environment?

Eterni is a leading company in staffing solutions in Norway. We have jobs in many different industries.

Are you looking for a job within our professional fields of production, warehouse, logistics, construction, industry, electrical or service? You can see our available jobs in production, construction, service etc. by clicking the gray button below.

If you are looking for a job in the office segment, you can find our vacancies by clicking on the red button.



Think possibilities - not limitations

Share your dreams with us. We share the possibilities with you. Whether in the short or long term, local and well-known, or distant and new - We have a wide network from newly started small suppliers to some of the biggest company names in the world.

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Want to work in Norway? 

Eterni Norway is a leading staffing company with offices located in all the big cities. We treasure our employees, as they are the value of the company.

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Have you heard about the ban on temporary workers in Oslo, and are you wondering what to do?

Last spring, there have been changes in the framework conditions for the labor market and the tightening of the Working Environment Act, which comes into force on 1 July - a ban on hiring labor within Construction in Oslo, Viken, and Vestfold. There are still many employers who need good skilled workers. 

Instead of being employed by Eterni, the company will hire you directly. But we at Eterni help you find the job you are qualified for. We have more than ten years of experience with recruitment. We know the construction sites and know where your expertise is wanted!

Register your CV here, and we will get back to you when one of our customers has a job for you.

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Ready for a new job?

We are here for you and answer any questions you may have.

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